Watt From Pedro

I had a fun discussion with the one and only Mike Watt yesterday on his @wattfrompedro podcast. It was a real pleasure especially since fIREHOSE was one of my favorite bands as a skate punk kid growing up in Texas! We go way back on this one… Ever heard my first band 7th Floor from 1989? Nope – and you never will. Ha! But we talk about it. We also discuss and play music from my latest ambient collaboration with Paul Carman “Murals For Immersion” as well as Toler Gibson, Head Shoppe, Francesca Brown, Furry Things, and more.


‘Murals For Immersion’ is Kenneth James Gibson’s 6th ambient outing under his given name, this time around collaborating with saxophonist Paul Carman who played and recorded with Frank Zappa in what Zappa called The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life.

In late 2022, Gibson and Carman started getting together at Gibson’s Idyllwild studio, laying down tons of Saxophone sounds – layers of drones, melody lines, and off kilter noises. Gibson processed, sculpted, and arranged these sounds into full fledged pieces of music. Although the original idea was to make a 100% pure Saxophone based album, sub-heavy Moog Prodigy bass swells were added to fill out the lower end of the spectrum. From this process we give you the aptly titled ‘Murals For Immersion’.

Los Angeles Record release show

Nov. 17th is the ‘Further Translations’ record release show in LA put on by @latebreakfastla at @2220arts. On the bill is @awakenedsoulsmusic, @xoxocyane, and myself. I’ll be performing music from albums The Evening Falls, In The Fields Of Nothing, and Groundskeeping. My friends @lessbellsmusic will be backing me up with strings & additional sonic landscaping. It’s gonna be a helluva night and I hope you all can put it on your calendar and make it out!


Further translations pre-order

‘Further Translations’ is a remix album featuring some of my favorite artists and friends and it’s out on Meadows Heavy Recorders on November 10, 2023 on limited CD & Digital platforms. The album features remixes by Awakened Souls, Jack Dangers, Christopher Willits, Chuck Johnson, Less Bells, Scanner, Konstantin Gabbro, myself and my very good friend Brian McBride who sadly passed away not too long after he did his beautiful mix. This album is dedicated to BMcB.

Both the digital Bandcamp album & CD have exclusive bonus tracks. You can Pre-Order the album HERE.

Art & design by Cynthia Bernard AKA Marine Eyes.

Christopher Willits Poured Remix

Christopher @willits remix of ‘Poured Semi Silently Upon You’ is out now on all platforms via Meadows Heavy Recorders This is the last single of my upcoming remix album titled ‘Further Translations’. If you pre-order the album (Digital / CD) through my Bandcamp store you get an immediate download of Christopher’s remix as well as the first 3 remix singles. There’s bonus music on both the Bandcamp digital download & CD.