A conversation with Mr. Gourley about the making of ‘Murals For Immersion’.

‘Murals For Immersion’ is Kenneth James Gibson’s 6th ambient outing under his given name, this time around collaborating with saxophonist Paul Carman who played and recorded with Frank Zappa in what Zappa called The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life.
In late 2022, Gibson and Carman started getting together at Gibson’s Idyllwild studio, laying down tons of Saxophone sounds – layers of drones, melody lines, and off kilter noises. Gibson processed, sculpted, and arranged these sounds into full fledged pieces of music. Although the original idea was to make a 100% pure Saxophone based album, sub-heavy Moog Prodigy bass swells were added to fill out the lower end of the spectrum. From this process we give you the aptly titled ‘Murals For Immersion’.
‘Finding New Language’ is now streaming! Listen & Pre-Order album HERE.